Official information

Centre for Initiative Development “InSource” is a non-profit non-political public organization that is a platform for the development and implementation of initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life of residents of small communities.

Official date of establishment: December 24, 2015.

Priority activities of the organization: socio-economic development; public activity; development of tourist and cultural potential; work with youth.

Target audience:residents of small communities, representatives of local governments, local NGOs.

Our mission: покращити якість життя мешканців малих громад через розвиток громадських компетенцій та підтримку місцевих ініціатив.

From 2019, InSource experts provide mentoring support for organizational development to newly established NGOs from Ternopil, Rivne and Khmelnytsky regions.

In 2019-2021, InSource organized 327 events, which were attended by more than 13,000 people (according to registration forms) and implemented 8 projects. The organization has a professional team that ensures effective and timely implementation of projects and commitments. The organization has 6 years of experience working at the local and regional level in western Ukraine. The organization's team understands the situation well on the ground, can predict local trends, has good contacts with partners, which allows you to respond quickly to challenges and problems.

InSource has signed memoranda of cooperation with various public associations from Ternopil, Rivne, Khmelnytsky regions and the city of Kyiv. The organization actively cooperates with local governments in these regions. During 6 years of its systematic activity it had experience of cooperation and grant support with local, national and international organizations. These facts are confirmed by letters of recommendation from our partners.

The organization has developed, approved and has official documents that guide members of the organization in their current activities. These internal documents of the InSource NGO regulate the mechanism of attracting and working with staff, registration of business trips; financial management; project management; contract administration; reporting on the progress of work, provision and administration of subgrants, etc.

Every year InSource openly reports on its activities and publishes the Annual Report. Annual reports are available on the organization's website: 

Команда ІнСорс при співпраці з креативною агенцією Digitalkit оновлено логотип та розроблено брендбук, які було презентовано 07 грудня 2023 року під час онлайн етеру.